Title: Castle Torgeath: Descent into Darkness
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG
Developer: Dungeoneering Studios
Publisher: Black Shell Media
Release Date: 22 Jan, 2016
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, RPG
Developer: Dungeoneering Studios
Publisher: Black Shell Media
Release Date: 22 Jan, 2016
Castle Torgeath: Descent into Darkness is a unique blend of action, RPG, and survival in a 3D dungeon environment.
Called upon by an old friend, you find yourself on a mission to discover the whereabouts of a missing Expedition sent to the ancient ruins of Castle Torgeath. Upon your arrival a cave in seals your exit, also sealing your fate. Knowing that no other option remains, you begin your descent into the depraved depths of Castle Torgeath.The journey will not be easy, for Torgeath has a long and bloody history. Monsters, curses, and even starvation will impede your progress. Many who have ventured into the castle’s depths have never returned.
Along the way you will have to master the sword and the spell if you hope to survive. As you venture further into Castle Torgeath you will discover the story of the Expedition and the dark fate that befell the castle’s inhabitants.
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