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Senin, 26 September 2016


Genre: Adventure
Developer: Whipstitch Games
Publisher: Black Shell Media
Release Name: Monumental-PLAZA


Release Description :
It’s been months since we’ve heard back.
Their research was supposed open a new page in human understanding.
Where did they go? What happened to them?
Monumental is a narrative driven, puzzle based adventure game. Set on an alien planet, the player is given the goal of tracking down a research team on the brink of a great discovery. During this search the player encounters The Monument, a remnant of a highly advanced but long dead alien race and the key to uncovering the planet’s dark secret.
Features :
  • Utilize a variety of simple tools such as a camera, microphone, and flashlight in creative ways to overcome the challenges ahead
  • Immerse yourself in the logs left behind by the research team, relive their discoveries and trials
  • Learn the secret of The Monument that has been kept hidden for thousands of years
  • Solve a challenging selection of brainteasers and riddles in the name of science

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